About this list:
Mallets best suited for the high school band have been selected for mature performers with developed skills. Sound quality, opportunity for musical expressiveness, and colors appropriate to the full ensemble setting are of primary importance, while durability is a consideration in the scholastic setting.
The “Required” list covers the essential sounds for any mature ensemble.
The “Nice to Have” list expands on the initial sound palette to offer a wider variety of options for more specialized repertoire.
The “Student supplies” list covers the basics that every responsible older percussionist should have on a daily basis, and builds on the initial equipment listed in Suggested Mallets for the Middle School Band.
- Bass Drum
- Gong
CG-2 small gong mallet x 2
- Timpani
BT-4 general mallets
- Keyboard:
Bell: IP904 hard
Xylo: IP902 medium soft
Vibraphone: RS30C medium hard (cord wrap)
Marimba: IP2004 hard
Chimes: CC-1 chime mallet
Nice to have:
- Bass Drum
- Timpani
- Keyboard:
- BR-1 brushes (snare/drumset)
- MB-1 Stick/Mallet bag
Student supplies:
- IP FP-3 College Primer pack
- Keyboard: IP902 (xylo), IP904 (bell), IP240 (marimba) (set of four), AA25 or RS30 (vibraphone) (set of four)
- Timpani: GT-3 general, GT-4 staccato
- MB-1 stick bag